Thursday, December 31, 2009

wrestling - Tournament table training- Jan 4th



As you know our own Vestavia Invitational held at Liberty Park is coming up on January 9th. The success of every youth wrestling tournament is largely  a function of parent help. One of the critical areas where volunteers are needed is table help. Each table will have a clock operator, scorer and bopper.


In the past we have set aside one night to train our volunteer table helpers on the mechanics of each duty. On Monday, January 4th we will use our normal 5:30 practice at the church to train table help on how to fill out score sheets and run clocks. The boys will wrestle live inter squad  matches while the coaches officiate and the volunteer  parents rotate score sheet and clock duties.


The unfortunate consequence of this needed process is that the boys spend much of the time watching while others wrestle. We will run as many matches simultaneously as space allows and attempt to get everyone at least one match. It would be helpful and appreciated if the parents who helped last year would assist  those learning during this process. I will bring score sheets, clocks and ankle bands.


If all parents that plan to help will find me before practice I will go over a brief explanation on how to keep score and then you can practice on a live match.


Thanks For Your Help

Dean Paugh


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