Sunday, January 31, 2010

VWC wrestling update and Rebel Challenge results





Thank you for all your help this weekend.  This weekend was one of the best run tournament I have been a part of in 5 years.  There is no way we could run a tournament without your help.  Thank you.


I know I cannot thank everyone by name but we had several teams that made a great contribution.


1.       Allyson Mclean who help lead our volunteer assignments, concessions and hospitality


2.       Kim Smith, Lisa Boland and Amy Hamilton who lead the hospitality.  I also want to thank Pat Boland for cooking 90 lbs of BBQ  for the hospitality room.  It was gone in 10 minutes.


3.       Lee Yielding – Moving mats


4.       Jeff Segars and Chad Merrill from VHHS who lead the staging area.  What a great job.  Thanks to both of you and all the high school students who worked at our tournament.


5.       Coaches- Again great job!  We have the best coaching staff of any club.




Our kids did very well this weekend.  We had 97 VWC kids participate in this weekend’s tournaments.  The results are posted on our website.


The coaches are seeing progress made every week.  We are seeing wrestlers execute new moves with success, we see kids winning their first match, we see kids getting more pins, we see kids not getting pinned, we see kids winning multiple matches, we see kids getting mentally tougher and we see more kids starting to place in each tournament. 


We need to keep improving on this momentum for the next 2 tournaments.  Please help us by making sure your son is at practice and he comes prepared to work. We can make great progress in the next 3 weeks if we continue to work hard.  Remember our competition is also getting better.


The State wrestling tournament is February 20th.  We only have one more tournament before the state tournament which is the AWC tournament February 3rd.  Let me encourage everyone to continue to participate in both the AWC and State tournament.  Competing is one of the best ways to keep improving. 


Also the more kids we have wrestling the more points we can score as team.  The state tournament is the only tournament that has team awards.  At the state tournament they will give a team trophy for 1st-4th for the following:  Bantam, Intermediate, Novice, Schoolboy and Overall.


Let’s keep up the hard work and focus on the next 3 weeks.






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